Wooly Press

unnamed (1)unnamedWoolly Press is a Risograph design and print shop based out of West Asheville. Establish in 2013 by Mica Mead and Colin Sutherland, Woolly Press has produced a variety of publications, products, and artist prints. We strive to provide an outlet that supports original content and displays high quality creative technique with a commitment to the environment and excellence in printing.
Woolly Press not only offers it’s own line of printed products, but also printing services! We are always interested in meeting new creatives looking for a way to utilize this technology. The Risograph is a good option for artists, designers, and writers who are searching for a cost effective method for producing handmade works.
Available at Asheville Zine Fest:
Picture books
Chap books
As wells as an assortment of artist prints
For more information about Woolly Press and Risograph: www.woollypress.com