Introducing our 2023 organizer!

Howdy! Allow me to introduce myself, sweet friends of the Asheville Zine Festival! 👋🏻

My name is Miles Lamberson, and I’ve recently taken over planning and organizing the festival. I am originally from Atlanta, but have lived in Asheville for nearly 5 years. I’ve worked for many years with the Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center, the Warren Wilson College Herb Crew and am a working artist on my own releasing zines, books, prints and more.
I also release a monthly perzine called Familiar if you’re interested in learning more about me that’s a great place to start <3 (you can find back issues on my website linked above!)

I am deeply passionate about zines and zine culture, public programming within the arts, accessibility within said programs, and I am SO excited to be hosting this year’s festival!

As far as festival related news that I can offer you – there isn’t much. Things have been hectic for everyone involved with the fest this year, so planing has been a bit chaotic. Keep an eye out though! I am actively working every day to get a date and location secured for one of the first 3 weekends in November ✨

I’m very excited to release more info and get to meet all of you zinesters this year (-:
Cheers to a great festival 🥂📓
Talk soon,